The Dunbar Neighbours Mailist [Dunbar Neighbours] is a members’ bulletin board. (It is not a forum with a moderator and topic threads.) The Dunbar Residents’ Association (DRA) provides this service in order to help Dunbar residents foster community, address the local needs of individual members, and discuss issues of importance to Dunbar. Membership is open to Dunbar residents. It is expected and required that in a spirit of goodwill subscribers follow DRA policies. Please read the CODE OF CONDUCT to understand the principles of the Dunbar Neighbours Mailist.
Like to join the Dunbar Neighbours Mailist?
Fill out the form on the Contact page and we’ll get right back to you.
If you’ve never experienced the Dunbar Neighbours Mailist, here are some samples of unsolicited thank you posts which will help explain its community-building aspects:
[Dunbar Neighbours] Marmalade returned!
Thank you for all your help.
[Dunbar Neighbours] NEEDED lawn mower – thanks neighbours.
[Dunbar Neighbours] Looking for a couple of single beds for some young people visiting from Ireland – Thanks Dunbar – the lads now have beds.
[Dunbar Neighbours] Bugs
Thank you! I already have the answer!! Amazing group of people on this list!!
[Dunbar Neighbours] Thank you DRA
DRA Board: Thank you for a very interesting and intense evening with Candidates for the upcoming Vancouver Municipal Election. I now feel much better prepared to make my election selection. What was your count/estimate of the standing-room-only crowd? (Answer: 350)
[Dunbar Neighbours] Thank you
Thanks to those that had taken the time to recommend a serviceman for my fridge. And miraculously, my fridge fixed itself after I unplugged it for 24 hours and plugged it back in.
[Dunbar Neighbours] Rental was found thank you!
My friends from … have found a rental for April — thanks to all who had responded.
[Dunbar Neighbours] Mobility/safety items for an elderly visitor – Suggestions & Thanks
I received several offers and suggestions and want to thank everyone and pass on the suggestions. If you have a similar need, ask the Dunbar neighbours mailing list!